
Computer-Aided Analysis of Gastrointestinal Videos Book edited by Prof. Aymeric Histace

Computer-Aided Analysis of Gastrointestinal Videos presents the first dedicated volume on computer-aided gastrointestinal video analysis.

GIANA (Gastro intestinal Image ANAlysis) is a regular challenge organized and co-chaired by Dr. Jorge Bernal (UAB-CVC) and Prof. Aymeric Histace (CELL team) in the conjunction of the MICCAI conference since 2015. The Computer-Aided Analysis of Gastrointestinal Videos Book, published by Springer, is the synthesis of the 2018 and 2019 challenges (methods and results) that took place respectively in Quebec City (Canada) and Granada (Spain). Objective here is to go beyond the presentations of the participating teams and results by providing insights on the different methods that were used to achieve several tasks including Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Analysis.

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