Information, Communication and Imaging
The ICI group’s research focus is on wireless communications, information theory, signal processing and imaging.
The key application areas covered by the group’s research output lie primarily on 5G/6G, IoT and machine learning for communications; coding and information theoretic security; networking and edge computing; imaging and modelization.
PhD Student
MCF, ENSEA, ICI Group Leader
PU, CY Cergy Paris Université
PU, CY Cergy Paris Université
MCF, CY Cergy Paris Université
MCF, CY Cergy-Paris Université
Chercheuse associée
MCF, CY Cergy Paris Université
Research areas
The ICI group’s research focus is on core topics on wireless communications, information theory, signal processing and MAC / network slicing, emerging imaging and modelling.
Current research topics are pertinent to IoT verticals (with emphasis on V2X and Smart factories) and lie primarily on the following domains:
Wireless communications, B5G and 6G / PHY aspects
resource allocation and optimization, low energy (green AI, energy harvesting), low latency (short packet comms, finite blocklength, effective capacity and delay QoS), localization for mmWave and subTHz, waveform design, ML for communications;
Coding and information theory
rate-adaptable codes for IoT, short blocklength code design, graph codes (e.g. LDPC), polar codes, lattice codes, interplay between information theory and game theory;
Networking slicing and caching, including
slicing, coding in Named Data Networks, layer 2 scheduling, energy efficient protocols, coexistence of heterogeneous services;
Security for wireless communications including
physical layer security (wiretap coding, covert communications, secret key generation), jamming and active attacks at RAN, cross-layer anomaly detection, physical unclonable functions, privacy, post-quantum cryptography (code and lattice based).
Imaging and modelling
recent research concerns Tomography and Emerging Imaging: new concepts, associated inverse problems and artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches.
Current projects
Resilient and Trustworthy Positioning and Physical Layer Security for 6G Systems
- International (French-Brazilian) co-funding doctoral contract project
- PI : Arsenia Chorti (ETIS)
- Partners: Rodrigo C. De Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio)
- Brazilian PIs: Vitor Nascimento (USP), Cintia Borges Margi (USP), Rodrigo C. Delamare (PUC-Rio)
- Funding: PhD Angelo Passah Nor
Machine Learning in Support of Coding Theory & Practice
The AI4CODE project brings together 5 french research labs with strong expertise in the design, decoding and standardization of forward-error-correction (FEC) codes
Project members at ETIS: Iryna Andriyanova, Inbar Fijalkow.
- Funding: PhD candidate Jochaim Rosseel (in collaboration with CEA LETI)
- Visit the project website
Wide-area Adaptive control in InteLLigent cyber-physical power systems exploiting dEEP reinforcement learning
- Partners: CY Cergy Paris Univ. and Warwick University
- PI : Veronica Belmega (ETIS)
- Co-PI: Subhash Lakshminarayana (Warwick University)
- Collaborator: Vincent H. Poor (Princeton University)
- Funding: PhD student Sajjad Maleki
Contributions of artificial intelligence, mathematical modelling and optimization in tomographic imaging
- PI: Mai K. Nguyen-Verger (ETIS)
- Partners: Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie, Modélisation (AGM) CY Cergy Paris Université
- Funding: PhD student Ishak Ayad
Physical Layer Security for IoT and B5G Systems
- Travel funding for international research exchanges with the Barkhausen Institute (BI), DE
- PI : Arsenia Chorti (ETIS)
- Partners: Gerhard Fettweis (TU Dresden, BI), A. N. Barreto (BI), S. Kopsel (BI)
Non orthogonal multiple access schemes for fifth generation and beyond systems under security and delay constraints
- CY Initiative of Excellence Project
- PI : Dr. Arsenia Chorti
- Funding: Postdocs Dr. Nasim Ferdosian (2020-2021, currently at Curtin University, Australia) and Dr. Sotiris Skaperas (2021-2022)
Quasi-Cyclic Short Packet
- PI: Emmanuel Boutillon (Université de Bretagne Sud)
- Partners: Université de Bretagne Sud, IMT Atlantique, ETIS, IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Orange Labs, Sequans, CEA-LETI
- Participants from ETIS: Fakhreddine Ghaffari (CELL), Laura Luzzi (ICI)
- Funding: Postdoc Franklin Cochachin
Enabling technologies for IoT
- International (French-Brazilian) collaborative project
- PI : Veronica Belmega (ETIS)
- Partners: ETIS/ENSEA, University of Sao Paulo (USP) and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
- Brazilian PIs: Vitor Nascimento (USP), Cintia Borges Margi (USP), Rodrigo C. Delamare (PUC-Rio)
- Members: Arsenia Chorti (ETIS), Iryna Andriyanova (ETIS), Inbar Fijalkow (ETIS), Jordane Lorandel (ETIS), Cassio Guimaraes Lopes (USP), Lukas Landau (PUC-Rio), …
- Funding: PhD student Hajar El Hassani
Démonstrateur d’un stockage hybride pour un éco-îlot
- Projet accompagné par l’ADEME dans le cadre du PIA3
- ETIS-PI : Inbar Fijalkow
- Members : Iryna Andriyanova (ETIS), Pierre Andry (ETIS)
- Partners: Ecobio, ETIS/ENSEA, Enercoop
- Funding: PhD students Louis Desportes and Muhammad Ali
Compton Scattering tomography modelling and associated inverse problems
- PI: Mai K. Nguyen-Verger (ETIS)
- Partners: Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM) CY Cergy Paris Université
- Funding: PhD student Cécilia Tarpau