Welcome to ETIS
ETIS (UMR8051) is a joint research department between CYU Cergy Paris University, ENSEA Graduate School of Electrical Engineering and CNRS Sciences Informatiques.New HORIZON Europe research projects
The ETIS ICI team is involved in 3 new “Horizon Europe” founded research projects.Ten inspiring women scientists from the ETIS research teams
share their career path, their passion for their research domain, and their opinions on gender parity questions.Welcome to ETIS
ETIS (UMR8051) is a joint research department between CYU Cergy Paris University, ENSEA Graduate School of Electrical Engineering and CNRS Sciences Informatiques. The department is currently headed by Prof. Nistor Grozavu, Director of ETIS.
Official address – ENSEA:
6 Avenue du Ponceau
95000 Cergy, France
Tel. ENSEA : +33-130736610
Campus Saint Martin:
2 avenue Adolphe Chauvin
Batiment A, 5th floor
95032 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France
Tel. : +33-134257541 / +33-134256633
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(randomly picked among our people)
EC, CY TECH, CY Cergy Paris University
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AIkaterini Tzompanaki and Nistor Grozavu, both members of the DATA&AI team (formerly MIDI) of ETIS, are co-organizers of …
Le 30 janvier 2025 a lieu le lancement du Centre National IMT “Réseaux et systèmes pour la transformation …
It’s truly inspiring to see the recognition of exceptional women shaping the future of 6G technology in the …
Luan Chen, associate professor in the ICI team of ETIS, is a co-organizer for the scientific meeting “Integrated …
Laura Willot and Dan Vodislav, with collaborators, received the Best Paper Award from the SUMAC’24 Workshop (6th Workshop …
Congratulations to Arsenia Chorti (Ersi) on being named an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). …
Cobot-One is a spin-off of ETIS and Robocolle, and was selected from the 120 French products in the …
Ishak Ayad received the “Young Scientist Award 2024” from the MICCAI 2024 conference (October 2024), for the paper: …
Le laboratoire ETIS, en partenariat avec DataScientist.fr, co-organise une école thématique sur l’IA générative, centrée sur le développement …
Fête de la Science et visites insolites du CNRS Visites insolites Les visites insolites du CNRS se dérouleront …
Journée d’étude RE:24organisée par Joffrey Becker, Lilyana Petrova & Syd Reynal, dans le cadre de la chaire Artss …
Hajar EL Hassani, MCF ENSEA à ETIS, co-organise du 4 au 8 novembre 2024 à Lille la Training …