Our 8 technology platforms
ETIS is steadily investing in world-class research facilities. These so called technology platforms are available to researchers, students and companies that need support or equipment to carry out their tests and measurements, build prototypes or create experiments.
- Scientific Computing Platforms
- Mobility and Robotics
- Smart Gait Plateform
- Smart Embedded System Platform
- Sound Perception Platform
- Digital Data for Heritage Platform
- Video Capture Platform
- Next Generation Smart Wireless Communications – NextGenComm (as a direct support to the nationwide 5G acceleration program PEPR)
These 8 platforms of expertise are labelled by CY University, ENSEA and CNRS INS2I.
Scientific Computing Platforms
62 servers:
- 1230 cores (CPU) + 10 GPU
- Modelling Softwares: Matlab, Mathematica, Comsol, CST, Magma, Empire
- EDA Softwares: ADS, Cadence, Synopsys, Silvaco, EMPro, Goldengate, Systemvue, Labview, Xilinx
- Development Softwares : Anaconda, Eclipse, Android Studio, Compilateur Intel with open software.
Data Vision
Mobility and Robotics

- Electric humanoid robot torso - Reachy (Pollen Robotics)
- Mixed rolling base - Trooper – Instar Robotics
- Expressive head - Animatronix
- 2 Hydraulic humanoid robot torsos - Tino – Equipex Robotex
- 2 Outdoor mobile robots - Roburoc
- 2 Outdoor mobile robots - Roburoc
- Indoor mobile robots - Robulab/Robosoc
- Small humanoid robot Nao
Smart Gait Platform
The Movement Workshop is a physical prototyping, testing and measurement facility dedicated to the multimodal analysis and characterisation of human movements or movements performed by cyber-physical systems. Its scope is mainly focused on the analysis of biomechanical parameters of activities, for the early detection of pathology in health and in the field of high level sport. It also contributes to the analysis and development of cyber-physical systems in robotics.
This platform is positioned on upstream issues concerning the prototyping of non-conventional vision solutions in order to address the challenges of today and tomorrow, yet also on the very concrete issues of end-of-line users, whether they are companies or clinicians.
- 2 Event Camera
- 2 Radar Ancortek 9.8GHz
- 1 GaitRide Biometrics
- 1 Biometrics Motion Capture System
Smart Embedded System Platform
The SES platform is situated in the context of national initiatives on embedded intelligent systems (GDR SOC2 in particular) with a scope of application that is currently focused mostly on health.
This makes it a unique platform combining skills in electronics in the broadest sense yet also in signal, image, computer vision, biology and medical specialities, all depending on the project in progress. This hardware and research facility aims at positioning itself both on the upstream issues of implanted and embedded intelligent systems for health in order to address the challenges of today and tomorrow, yet also on the very concrete issues of end-of-line users, whether they are companies or clinicians.
At the national level, the SES platform is currently an integral part of the project to create a Scientific Interest Group on tissue/electrode interfaces (GIS POETIC), which brings together 8 laboratories in France, including the IMS (Bordeaux) and the LIRMM (Montpellier). In addition, it is the site dedicated to the SmartVideocolonoscopy project on the early detection of colorectal cancer using video-colonoscopy in collaboration with the APHP (Hôpital Saint Antoine). At the international level, the platform is part of a collaboration with the Autonomous University of Barcelona on the theme of intelligent video-colonoscopy for the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer. In particular, this project has enabled the organisation since 2017 of three international challenges (MICCAI 2017, 2018 and 2021 conference) on this theme (GIANA). Finally, the SES platform is today also the vector of support for valorisation and technology transfer through the creation of start-ups.
Within the framework of a project supported by SATT ERGANEO since 2016, the platform has accompanied the birth of the company Augmented-Endoscopy spin off of the ETIS laboratory.
WIZARDE is a platform for development, prototyping and testing in the field of Reconfigurable Systems On Chip and distributed architectures, designed by the CELL laboratory team and manufactured by the German company PRODESIGN.
Led in the laboratory by Mr Frédéric de Melo (CNRS Research Engineer), it is based on a matrix of 9 Xilinx ZYNQ circuits from the 7045 family, systems on chips programmable both at the software level (ARM processor dual core cortex A9 ) than at the hardware level (FPGA Kintex-7). These 9 circuits can communicate with each other by means of a matrix of interconnections: digital inputs/outputs and differential clocks, high-speed serial links MGT’s (Multi Gigabit Transceivers). They also have this type of link with the “outside world”, each module -with the exception of the central module- having an FMC connector allowing a daughter board to be plugged into it (video interface board, radio frequency board, etc.).
- LPKF PCB etcher + Inoveos Protomat S103 dust extraction unit
- ANTEX 760RWK SMD component hot air soldering
- Ultimaker 2 Extended 3D printer
- Oscilloscope Tektronics MSO 5054B
- Oscilloscope Tektronix DPO 70000
- Olympus Videocolonoscopy Tower
- 2 Network Analysers (3Ghz) Agilent E5061B
- 32 channel logic analyser Tektronix
- 4 GBF Tektronix AGF1062
- 4 stabilized power supplies Iso-Tech IPS 2303
- Optoprim AvaSpec-ULS2048XL-USB2 spectrometer
- Leitz Diaplan microscope: 5 12834 /067 717
- SmartEEG acquisition platform Subcontracting PCB company SCC Jouy le moutier Internal realization
- Masimo Radical 7 optical oximeter
- Monochromator
- Thermal camera FLIR one pro
- MakerBot 3D scanner
- Extracorporeal circulation machine
- Various FPGA and SoC development boards for algorithm-architecture matching issues.
Sound Perception Platform
Flat equipped with an electro-acoustic system that allows the reproduction of any kind of indoor sound environment in the living room.
It is ideal for conducting sound experiments on the indoor comfort of dwellings, which may be due to the sound signature of the sources of the external sound environment (vehicles linked to road transport by rail or air, voices due to leisure activities, etc.), but also to the acoustic performance of the building. It could study multimodal interactions (visual, auditory and tactile) between a human (or several humans) and a robot in a reconstructed flat.
- Smart Flat
- 16 Yamaha HS7 I speakers
- 1 Yamaha DME64N audio processor
- 1 GENELEC 7070A subwoofer
- 1 augmented reality system

Digital data for heritage platform : from acquisition and processing to storage

- Computing and storage platform: 8 computing servers, a storage rack and a front-end server (total = 300 cores, 1832 GB RAM, 36 TB storage)
- 3D data acquisition: fixed focus camera
- Photogrammetry software
- Structured light sensor and turntable
- Augmented and virtual reality: Microsoft Hololens and development kit HTC headsets
- Computers for 3D data processing

Support for research projects, subcontracting services for SMEs, a place dedicated to collaborative academic and industrial research projects in the field of imaging and visual capture
- Multi-stream video capture
- Smartplayer video indexing multimodality (sound, text, image, animation)

Next Generation Smart Wireless Communication platform (NextGenComm) is an ETIS initiative that has been initiated through different projects in wireless communications, IoT as ANR WiNoCoD (WiredRF-based Network on Chip Reconfigurable on Demand), ANR QCSP (Quasi Cyclic Small Packet), ANR DIAMOND (Message Passing Iterative Decoders based on Imprecise Arithmetic for Multi-Objective Power-Area-Delay Optimization), ANR NAND (Noise-Against-Noise Iterative Decoders), FP7 i-risk, ANR ELIOT (Enabling Technologies for IoT), PIA3 EcobioH2 during 2012-2022.
It will be integrated as direct support to the nationwide 5G acceleration program (PEPR 5G). The platform is designed to accelerate the research and trial capabilities to address the challenges relative to IoT technologies, and 5G communications, and pave the road to the next generation of communication protocols. NextGenComm focuses on four main axes:
– Energy consumption analysis and optimization,
– Efficient hardware implementation of coding and decoding,
– IoT distributed computing (Data-center, cloud, fog, and edge computing),
– IoT and communication protocols security,
– The development of the next generation of wireless communication protocols exploiting mmWave bands.
– High precision power consumption analysis bench: National instruments NI PXIe-1070, NI PXIe-8821, NI PXIe-4139, NI PXIe-4065.
– 2 STM32 Nucleo power consumption measurement boards
– 3 LoRa Light Gateway
– 2 Texas Instruments multi-standard wireless MCU LaunchPad development kit + Wireless connectivity Dev kits
– 3 Ultra-low-power STM32 and LoRa Nucleo pack
– R&S SMB100A microwave signal generator 9KHz-6GHz
– 2 Texas Instruments mmWave Radar 60GHz and 77GHz
– National instruments USRP Kit software radio logicielle 2×2 (70 MHz – 6 GHz)
– Ettus Research USRP X300 high-performance 6 GHz
– STEVAL Sub-1GHz transceiver development kit
– High bends antennas
– Mutilple development boards: FPGA, Microcontrollers, and Raspberry