
Our partnerships

ETIS is involved in numerous industrial and academic partnerships

Either through PhD co-financing schemes (aka CIFRE doctoral fellowships) or through chairs (e.g., « IoT » Orange chair and « Data Analytics » Qwant chair).

Most partnerships are built upon long-standing links with major European industrial groups (IDEMIA, Védécom, SAGEM, CIRA, Partelec, 2CSI, M2M, QWANT, BOSCH, Thales, BIA, Nokia, Thales TCS, Huawei and LRMH, to quote but a few), cultural institutions (BnF French National Library, Musée du Louvre, Archives Nationales, Château de Versailles, C2RMF, RMN-GP) and governmental organizations (PJGN, aka forensic, CEA, IGN).

Other industrial collaborative projects comprise CRCC, Capital Vision, VEDECOM, IPANELA. In particular, CIFRE doctoral fellowships have been funded by Zodiac, Thales TRT, Thales Com, TRAPIL, Valéo, ASTRIUM, Axalot.

Public partnerships

ETIS has created a prolific mesh of strong and enduring links with academic partners in Europe or abroad: INRIA (INFINE & SECRET projects), Mines-Telecom Institute, HEC Paris, LPTM CYU, LIP6 Sorbonne, IRD (Institute for Sustainable Development), LPPA, ISIR, Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris (one of the largest hospital system in Europe), EasyCom, LPP, BabyLab, LISV, LTCI, L2S Saclay, LANEAS, LMV.

>> Vespera is a joint project with Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles dedicated to conservation of cultural heritage

ETIS belongs to Labex Patrima, Equipex+ Espadon and Equipex Patrimex through Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine and it is a long-standing partner of Robotex national network of robotic platforms. ETIS researchers are also affiliated to GDR SoC2 (specifically IoT), GDR Robotique (« Learning » group), GRD ISIS, GDR Sport, GDR Robotique, GDR Mémoire, GDR MACS or to the board of directors of GRETSI.