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Sara Berri is an Associate Professor (MCF) at the CY Cergy Paris University, member of ETIS Lab UMR8051, CYU, ENSEA, CNRS, and co-responsible of the Professional Master Networks & Security since September 2020. Prior to that, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at Telecom-Paris (2018-2020), and a representative of Telecom-Paris in the working group “New Technologies & Hybridation ”, of the European project InDiD. She defended her PhD Thesis in 2018, prepared at CentraleSupelec and University of Bejaia. She has been a temporary teaching researcher assistant (ATER) in applied mathematics at University of Panthéon-Assas, Paris II (2017-2018). Her research interests include problems in vehicular and wireless networks such as caching, prefetching, scheduling, offloading, packet transmission, power control, and privacy using mathematical tools such as optimization, learning, and game theory.
Research activities
- Thématiques de recherches
- Vehicular Networks
- Wireless Networks
- Privacy
- Network Slicing
- Scheduling, Caching, Offloading
- Optimization
- Game Theory
- Learning