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Iryna Andriyanova is a Professor with the ETIS Lab and with the Department of Computer Sciences at CY Cergy Paris University (CYU), France.
She received the M.S. Degree in electrical engineering from the National Polytechnic University of Odessa, Ukraine, in 2002, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in communication systems from the National Telecommunications School of Paris (ENST), France, in 2003 and 2006 respectively. She received her HDR degree in 2018 from the CYU. From 2003 to 2006, Iryna Andriyanova also held a research engineer position at the Broadband Wireless Access Department at France Telecom R&D, Rennes, France. In 2007 she joined the Communications Theory Laboratory at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. She joined ETIS Lab of the CYU/ENSEA/CNRS in 2009.
She was awarded the “Women and Sciences 2019 Award” by the University Paris-Seine. She served in the organization committee of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, 2019.
Iryna Andriyanova is the Dean of the Computer Sciences Department of the CYU since 2018. She is a co-responsible of the Networks&Security track within the Master program in Computer Science and Engineering of Complex Systems since 2015. She is a co-responsible of the teaching program in Coordination of criminalistic investigations between the CYU and PJGN since 2018.
Research activities
- Error-correcting codes and applications
- Wireless and optical communication systems
- Distributed data storage
- Energy-efficient data center architectures
Ongoing projects
- IA-driven algebraic code design: erasure-correcting coding schemes for coded data center storage.
- Coding and waveforms for the Internet of Things: short-length code design, non-binary code design.
- Energy-aware datacenter architectures: VM placement, storage protocols.
- Joint multi-dimensional signaling and coding for optical fiber networks: non-binary code design, symbol-interleaved coded modulations.
- ANR AI4code
- Circular QAM with Sphere Shaping and Non-binary LDPC Codes in the Finite Length Regime
- Geometric versus Probabilistic Shaping for Circular-QAM with Nonbinary LDPC Codes
- Analysis of Non-Binary High-Rate Repetition-Parity-Parity Codes Over the BEC
- EBP-GEXIT Charts for M-ary AWGN Channel for Generalized LDPC and Turbo Codes