KOLBL Florian


Member of team :


Phone :

01 30 73 66 10


Florian Kolbl is Associate Professor at CYU (IUT, Electrical Engineering and industrial computing) where he teaches electronics and control theory and a member of ETIS lab since 2016. He received and Engeneering Degree from ENSEIRB in 2010 in electronics, received a Master Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Bordeaux in 2010 and ENS Cachan in 2011. He was laureate of the Agrégation Externe de Génie Electrique in 2011. He received a PhD from the University of Bordeaux in 2014, working on integrated circuits for electrical stimulation of the nervous system. He joined the University of Essex as research officer in 2015, working on modeling of electrical excitability of peripheral nervous system.

Research activities

He pursues researches in the field of smart embedded systems for healthcare, in the research group CELL. His research interest focus on multi-physics modeling of bioelectronic phenomena at the interface between biological tissues and electrical systems with the aim of exploring novel bio-markers or novel strategies to induce specific tissue response.