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CY École de Design
Annie Gentes is professor of Information and communication sciences and design. She is the director of research of CY School of Design, CY University. Her research focuses on contemporary practices of design and more particularly on “extreme” design that takes place in scientific research, political contexts, as well as the industry and that changes the definition and scope of traditional design activities. She also works on the epistemology of design as an “indiscipline”. She has been involved in the production of works of art as well as in academic and industrial research projects. In particular, she has worked on distributed architectures, pervasive computing, open data, and Virtual Intelligent Agents. She works with artists, designers, philosophers, and researchers in fundamental sciences and engineering to understand design as a science of conception that connects a diversity of practices.
Research activities
- Mediums of design : symetrical anthropology of design activities
- Design for Agroecological Transition
- Epistemology of design : pluridisciplinarity and in-discipline
- Reunkrilerck D., Gentes, A., “L’exposition au design : Amorcer la pratique du design par la documentalisation des objets“, in Interfaces Numériques, Dossier « Design et fonction communication : Rencontre et esquisses paradigmatiques autour de la relation au public », volume 8, n°1, 2019
- Chaillat, E., Gentes, A., “Openness, graphic design and visual practices of science: exploration to promote innovation”, Proceedings of IASDR 2019 Revolutions, Manchester, 2019
- Gentes A., Chrysos P., L’aventure épistémologique contemporaine. Ouvrage autour des travaux d’Anne-Françoise Schmid, Kimé Editions, 2019
- Peneau J., Gentes, A, « Figures de la science dans des contextes de conception », in Communication et langages n°205, 2020, p.147-165
- Gentes, A, Perez, A, « Le “traduire“ comme paradigme de la pratique du design », in Appareil, to be published, 2022