
Mathias Quoy for a 6 month visit in IPAL Singapore

From February 2022, Mathias Quoy will spend 6 months at IPAL.

From February 2022, Mathias Quoy will spend 6 months at IPAL (,, the International Research Lab on AI based in Singapore, of which CYU is a member. At IPAL, he will conduct research on the learning of multimodal sequences by artificial neural networks. This research work is part of a joint collaboration between CYU, IPAL, A*STAR and NUS. Mathias Quoy and Alexandre Pitti from CYU are also co-supervising a PhD student with Nancy Chen from A*STAR-I2R.

Mathias Quoy is a full Professor at CY Cergy-Paris University (CYU) and a member of the ETIS Lab.
Graduated in computer science from the ENSEEIHT engineering school in 1990, Mathias Quoy got a PhD in computer science from the National School for Aeronautics and Space (SupAéro) in 1994. In 1995 he spent his post-doc at the Philips Air-Force Lab in Albuquerque (NM) and was then recruited at the Cergy-Pontoise University. In 2009 he spent a sabbatical at the Brain Lab in Reno (NV, USA). From 2014 to 2019 he was director of the ETIS Lab.

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