
First major research project for CY école de design, for the living!

This Friday, January 6, the Priority Research Program and Equipment (PEPR) on Agroecology and Digital Technology was officially launched at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, in the presence of Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research and Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, alongside Philippe Mauguin and Bruno Sportisse, CEO of the pilot organizations of this program, INRAE and Inria.

Funded by the State to the tune of €65 million as part of France 2030, this new PEPR should make it possible to mobilize digital technology to accelerate the agroecological transition, for the benefit of all farmers.

In this program, CY School of Design co-pilots with the Learning Planet Institute a research project of 1.4 M euros on the evolution of design methodologies and on the new forms of multidisciplinarity that allow the agroecological transition.

Annie GENTES, Director of Research at CY École de Design and head of the Design Research group of ETIS laboratory in CY Cergy Paris Université, presented the research work that will be carried out as part of the LINDDA pilot project of the PEPR Agro-ecology and Digital jointly conducted by INRIA and INRAE:

“It is about studying and developing extreme forms of design that renew design methodologies to be able to accompany social and ecological transitions.”

“The design methods developed in previous industrial revolutions are now insufficient to enable the new revolution needed to protect the planet. We must invent new forms of multidisciplinarity and new design tools and methods to provoke and support the agro-ecological revolution.”

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