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Zakaria LEMHAOURI is a joint PhD student at the Cergy–Paris university (CY) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), his PhD is part of the EUTOPIA PhD co–tutelle program. He received his master’s degree in AI for Robotics from the Sorbonne University in Paris. He is currently a member of the ETIS Lab (Equipe Traitement de l’Information et Systèmes) in Cergy and the VUB Artificial Intelligence Lab in Brussels. The topic of his ongoing PhD research is the development of a computational model of language learning in robots. The PhD is conducted under the supervision of Prof. L.Cañamero and Dr. MCF L. Cohen at CY and Prof. A. Nowé at VUB.
Research activities
- Language learning in robots
- Social, developmental and affective robotics
- Reinforcement learning
Tagged PhD and post-doctoral