NeuroDevRob23: NeuroAI and Developmental Robotics: language, cognition, and development
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the event NeuroAI and DevRob, which will take place in December 6th, 2023. The event aims to foster interdisciplinary discussions focused on the relationship between cognitives sciences, neurosciences, and artificial intelligence. In an era where Artificial Intelligence — particularly Large Language Models — plays an increasingly significant role in our lives, exploring the intersection between different fields is not only timely but also essential.
This year, we would like to dedicate the event to language, cognition, and development. The lineup of speakers in this event includes distinguished experts from diverse fields, including Philosophy, Cognitive Sciences, Neuroscience, and Computer Science.
Our invited speakers are:
- Anna Borghi, Associate Professor, Roma La Sapienza,
Concepts, abstractness, and social interaction - Catherine DelNegro, Associate Professor, Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay
Sensitivity to the sequential structure of communication sounds in the songbird’s brain - Xavier Hinaut, Researcher Inria Bordeaux, Mnemosyne team
TBA - Yair Lakretz, Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, ENS Linking Linguistic
Theory and Brain Dynamics with Deep Neural Models - Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, research Director INRIA Bordeaux, Flowers team
TBA - Thomas Schatz, Assistant Professor, Aix-Marseille Université
Where: Salle Curium, Ecole Normale Supérieure de l’Electronique et de ses Applications, ENSEA, 6 avenue du Ponceau, Cergy-Pontoise
When: wednesday 6th december, 9 :30 – 12 :00 / 14 :00 – 17 :30
Registration: free ! but registration is mandatory for logistics, thank you !