Juliette Courson

COURSON Juliette

PhD student in the NeuroCyber team

Member of team :


Lieu :

CYU, Saint-Martin




With a background in fundamental physics and modeling, I am currently working on computational neuroscience issues with a particular interest in scientific programming, modeling, non-linear systems and complex networks. My thesis focuses on modeling epileptic neural networks and studying the impact of network structure on the propagation of seizures.

This work is supervised by Thanos Manos and Mathias Quoy (ETIS laboratory), and Yulia Timofeeva (University of Warwick). It is supported by the Labex MME-DII PhD grant and CY cognition grant of CY Cergy-Paris University.

Research activities

  • Computational neuroscience
  • Whole brain models
  • Complex systems dynamics

Ongoing projects

PhD title: Neural network structure, onset and propagation of epileptic seizures.

Abstract: This project is set out to investigate the role of neural network’s topological properties in the spatiotemporal propagation and suppression of epileptic activity in mice. To this end, we explore different physiologically plausible mechanisms which can explain the different onset types of epileptic seizures (origin of location and pattern) and the different types of epileptic seizures propagation in the cortex. The long-term ambition is to ultimately transfer this knowledge to humans.