
Arsenia Chorti Named IEEE Distinguished Lecturer: Driving Innovation in 6G Security and Trustworthiness

Congratulations to Arsenia Chorti (Ersi) on being named an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). This recognition emphasizes her influential contributions to communications technology. Through the Distinguished Lecturer Program, Ersi will engage with global IEEE ComSoc chapters, sharing insights on emerging subjects like “Context-aware 6G security,” “Machine learning-based physical layer security for 6G cyber-physical systems,” and “How physicality can enable trustworthiness.”

Her work, centered on enhancing the security and trustworthiness of 6G systems, addresses pressing challenges using context-aware strategies and innovative machine learning approaches. As a Distinguished Lecturer, she will promote global knowledge exchange through diverse sessions, furthering IEEE ComSoc’s mission to advance communications innovation. More details on ComSoc’s Distinguished Lecturer Program can be found here.

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