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I graduated from the ENSEA in 2024, specialising in signal processing and artificial intelligence. In the same year, I obtained my Master’s degree in Telecommunications from CY Université. During my studies, I did an internship in Rome in the field of speech processing and wrote my master’s paper on choral synthesis using generative algorithms.
Research activities
- Massive MIMO telecommunications
- Non linear amplification
- Digital Signal processing
- Speech processing
Ongoing projects
My thesis focuses on low-energy precoding for massive multi-user centralised and distributed MIMO systems. The aim is to find a new broadband precoding scheme to cope with the non-linearities of the different power amplifiers used in the transmission chain. It is part of the PEPR 5G Réseaux du Futur PC3 PERSEUS programme under the supervision of Inbar FIJALKOW and Myriam ARIAUDO.