
Entretien croisé avec Valérie Lee et Camille Simon-Chane Surveiller des fonds, préparer des chantiers de collections, trier des reliures nécessitant des restaurations : et si ces tâches fondamentales du travail de […]

Inbar Fijalkow (équipe ICI), une de nos “10 inspiring women of infomation and computer science” participe mercredi 1er …

The Interplay between Affect and Cognition in Development: from Humans to Robots and back Following up on the …

Very happy to announce that our last effort for developing Deep-Based Efficient Anomaly Detection Methods in the context …

Two publications by researchers from the MIDI Team were accepted for publication in the VLDB journal in 2023:

Fakreddine Ghaffari gave a talk at the conference SERESSA 2022, in Geneva. Title: Sensitivity characterization of SRAM-based FPGA …

  In the framework of a long-term collaboration with IRD on blood-sucking insect population surveillance using machine learning …

ETIS participated to the “Fête de la Science” between October 1 and October 14, 2022, both at a …

Lola Canamero, full professor CYU / ETIS, organizes an online seminar serie on behalf of the Association for …