Lola Cañamero and Philippe Gaussier are the general chair of the 16th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2022) to be hosted in Cergy-Pontoise and online September 2022. […]
ETIS participated to the “Fête de la Science” between October 1 and October 14, 2022, both at a …
Lola Canamero, full professor CYU / ETIS, organizes an online seminar serie on behalf of the Association for …
ETIS participe à la Fête de la science ETIS participe à la Fête de la science entre le 1er et le …
Dans le cadre de la Fête de la Science, le film “Cinq nouvelles du cerveau” sera projeté au …
Des chercheurs du laboratoire ETIS ont publié un article dans la revue prestigieuse PNAS. Alexandre Pitti, Claudio Weidman …
A la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, les 10 et 11 septembre 2022. Catherine Lavandier, professeur des …
ETIS accueille trois visites insolites du CNRS le 13 octobre 2022. Une conférence-débat aura également lieu le 12 …
Call for Posters, Workshop on “Body Image & Cross-sensory Correspondences: What about Infants and Robots” at IEEE ICDL …
Prof. Arsenia Chorti, co-head of ICI group, becomes Associate Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Communications Society Best Readings for …
- The Emergence of a Complex Representation of Touch Through Interaction with a Robot
- The Emergence of a Complex Representation of Touch Through Interaction with a Robot
- Incremental clustering based on Wasserstein distance between histogram models
- Consistent query answering in multi-relation databases
- A deep learning-based pipeline for the conservation assessment of bindings in archives and libraries
- Feasibility, safety and efficacy of endoscopic submucosal dissection for recurrent superficial rectal neoplastic lesions after transanal microsurgery
- Covert Communication Over Additive-Noise Channels
- Enhancing Deep Learning-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection with Generative AI Techniques
- Robots at work: Stealing, creating and transforming labour in the digital age