Lola Cañamero (PU et Chaire INEX Neurosciences et Robotique au laboratoire ETIS, dans l’équipe Neurocybernétique) a donné une conférence invitée au 21e Forum des Sciences Cognitives organisé par l’association Cognivence […]
Student Paper Award for Sebastien Thomet at 34th DFT IEEE Conference Sebastien Thomet (PhD student, CELL team, STMicro) …
ETIS organises the first CNRS thematic school on Bioelectronics (December 13 to 17th 2021). This school contributes to …
Computer-Aided Analysis of Gastrointestinal Videos presents the first dedicated volume on computer-aided gastrointestinal video analysis. GIANA (Gastro intestinal …
“Recent Trends and Perspectives in Cerebral Organoids Imaging and Analysis” to appear in Frontiers in Neuroscience ( This …
- The Emergence of a Complex Representation of Touch Through Interaction with a Robot
- The Emergence of a Complex Representation of Touch Through Interaction with a Robot
- Incremental clustering based on Wasserstein distance between histogram models
- Consistent query answering in multi-relation databases
- A deep learning-based pipeline for the conservation assessment of bindings in archives and libraries
- Feasibility, safety and efficacy of endoscopic submucosal dissection for recurrent superficial rectal neoplastic lesions after transanal microsurgery
- Covert Communication Over Additive-Noise Channels
- Enhancing Deep Learning-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection with Generative AI Techniques
- Robots at work: Stealing, creating and transforming labour in the digital age